Become a Participating Artist or Sponsor
Become a Participating Artist or Gallery
Our 2025 event takes place April 26-28, 2025. The application period for participation has pasted, Use the contact form to request to receive the 2026 Call for Artists when it is released.
Become A Friend or Patron of the Tour
We offer two sponsor opportunities levels for people or business who support art and the presentation of this event. Both the Patron and Friends level of sponsorship are listed on our website. Message us if you’d like to be a tour sponsor.
Become a Food & Lodging Sponsor
Food & Lodging Sponsorship is intended to provide event attendees with places to eat, drink or find lodging during the tour. Sponsor information is listed on our website.
2025 is the 24th annual presentation of the Bluff Country Studio Art Tour. Always held the last full weekend in April, this loved event draws approximately 3,000 each year. Participating locations see between 40-400 visitors at each of the sites and often varies depending proximity to other participants. Over 90% of the participation fees are used to promote the event using a mailer to previous attendees, printed tour map, website, social media posts & ads, press releases and print signs & ads and various other promotions. Because the event is a studio tour, our preference is for artists to open their studios to the public to demonstrate and show visitors their work process. To maintain our studio tour position, no less than 50% of participants must be presenting in a studio location. Host locations for artists from outside the tour area or for artists who have studios that are not handicap accessible or not condusive to tours. Hosted space is limited, may have additional fees (rent) and are subject to review & approval by the tour committee.