Location #4

Kelly Puent

Mixed Media Painting

Exhibit Location

Imperfection Studio
26503 245th Ave
Fountain MN 55935


Kelly Puent, Artist Bio

I’m a southeastern Minnesota artist, living in Fountain, who was originally from northwestern Wisconsin. I’ve loved creating artwork all of my life, or at least as far back as I can remember. Ultimately, I’m your average midwestern woman, who happens to love making colorful, joyful, experiments in mixed media art. I was an art teacher for 19 years before switching professions, and now create my own artwork as a side business.

I create mixed media paintings using materials such as acrylic or oil paint on wood with the addition of stained glass, sometimes sharpie marker, and other varieties of materials such as spray paint, shells, glass pebbles, and natural objects. I often frame my own work by altering simple wood frames, by creating my own frames out of materials such as old barn wood, and some of my work requires no frame at all. It’s not unusual for my work to protrude beyond the frame. Most of my work has a strong emphasis on color and movement, and my subject matter ranges from abstracted images to flowers, landscapes, animals and portraits. Much of the inspiration for my artwork comes from the beauty I see in my own gardens, in the rolling landscape of Southeastern Minnesota, and in the people whom I care about most.

Artist’s Photo Gallery